cassandra martineau-Green party candidate in ct's 2CD
Our grassroots campaign can always use a helping hand. Delivery of lawn signs and literature, phone-banking, event hosting, and helping with mailings are just a few ways that volunteers can become involved.
If you're interested in volunteering in any of these ways – or others! – please contact us!
The 2nd Congressional District covers a huge area - all of eastern Connecticut from Enfield to Madison - and we want voters throughout the district to learn about the campaign and the issues we're fighting for.
Letters to the editor of your local newspaper are always welcome, as are social media shares of campaign posts about political stances and upcoming events. You can also request a lawn sign, and even choose your favorite issue to publicize; we'll deliver to any 2nd district location!
Because the Green Party does not accept money from a special interest groups, we depend on donations from people like you! No donation too small.
You can donate online, or mail a personal check, payable to "Cass for Congress," to: Cass for Congress, 45 Clifford St, Willimantic, CT 06226
Per FEC requirements, please include a completed donation form in the envelope with your check. Thank you!